“Friends” premiered in 1994, bringing endlessly quotable catchphrases (how you doin’?), one much-copied hairstyle and six characters whose hilariously relatable misadventures stick with us 25 years later.
What was it really like being on the hit sitcom? We talked to 10 actors who passed through Central Perk over the series’ 10-season run to find out.
“There are people who are really self-unaware, and they have absolutely no filter,” Christina Applegate said, describing her “Friends” character.
Applegate appeared on the show’s ninth and 10th seasons as Amy, Rachel’s self-absorbed sister, a role for which she won an Emmy in 2003.
The actress said the funniest moment from her pair of episodes was the siblings’ fight after Amy takes offense to Rachel’s revelation that Amy wouldn’t be given custody of baby Emma in the event of Ross and Rachel’s deaths.
She added, “I think my favorite line, though, is when I keep saying Lisa’s (Kudrow) name wrong. And then she goes, ‘Phoebe.’ And I say, ‘Why does she keep making that noise?’ That was written as a rewrite in front of the audience, and I thought it was hilarious.”
Applegate said she and Jennifer Aniston “really bonded” while filming. “We hung out for a while after that, and I really, really do love her.”
In fact, her ties to the rest of the cast predate “Friends.”
“I’ve known Matthew Perry since we were kids,” she said. “We did a movie called ‘Dance Until Dawn’ together when we were little babies. But I’ve known him for 100 years. (David) Schwimmer’s amazing and Lisa and Courteney (Cox), I’ve known from like, 20-something years prior. It was just a great group, a lot of love there.”
She also shared screen time with Matt LeBlanc on her own hit ‘90s show.
“He had done a couple guest spots on ‘Married With Children’ many moons before that and then had a spinoff called ‘Top of the Heap’ that he did from our show. So that was his first show.”
A year after her Emmy win for “Friends,” she was again nominated for reprising the role in the series’ final season.
“It was shocking that I was nominated for the episodes I did because it honestly didn’t feel like work,” she said. “And it didn’t feel like I was doing anything special in any way. I was just having so much fun. I really was in shock when that happened. It was one of those moments of, like, ‘why … what, me?’ Like in ‘Sixteen Candles’ when she’s like ‘Me?’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah, you.’ That’s how I felt when they said my name.”