In the upcoming episodes of Emmerdale, tensions escalate as Tom makes an unsettling return to the village, just as Belle contemplates reporting him to the police. Tom’s menacing presence looms large, particularly after Belle discovers a hidden spy camera he had left behind in her cottage. Despite Lydia’s encouragement, Belle is hesitant to involve the authorities, afraid of reliving the trauma and exposing her personal life in court.
Meanwhile, a startling twist comes when Amelia, who has been loyal to Tom, starts to question her stance. She arranges a meeting with Belle, suggesting that she might no longer be on Tom’s side. However, instead of Amelia, Tom shows up at the cottage, catching Belle off guard. With the exits locked, Belle finds herself trapped and vulnerable as Tom confronts her. As the situation intensifies, Belle begins to suspect that Amelia might have betrayed her, making her unsure of who to trust.
Elsewhere in the village, Victoria grows suspicious of Jon’s secretive behavior after discovering dog tags with mysterious initials in his van. Her curiosity deepens when she realizes Jon is still in contact with Aaron, leaving her determined to uncover the truth.
Laurel and Charles also find themselves in a heated argument over modernizing the church’s Harvest Festival. The tension between them unexpectedly leads to a passionate kiss, hinting at deeper feelings beneath their professional conflict. With emotions running high across multiple storylines, the stakes are set for dramatic confrontations and revelations in the coming week on Emmerdale.