In upcoming Emmerdale episodes, fans are bracing for a dark twist as the villainous Tom King targets young Isaac Dingle. After Tom’s cousin Carl accidentally gave Isaac his iPad, which contains incriminating footage of Tom’s abusive behavior towards Belle, Tom becomes desperate to retrieve it. The tablet holds secret recordings that could expose Tom’s sinister actions, making it crucial for him to get it back before Belle finds it.
Tom’s frustration grows when Carl reveals that Isaac now has the iPad, leading Tom to make a chilling remark, hinting at his intentions to “deal with Isaac.” While Isaac is unaware of the danger, viewers fear that Tom might harm the boy in his pursuit of the tablet.
Next week, Tom watches Isaac closely, waiting for a moment to confront him alone. Isaac, unaware of the threat, innocently tells Tom where the iPad is hidden and even suggests how Tom could retrieve it from his home. Tom sneaks off to Moira Dingle’s Butler Farm in search of the device, but risks being caught by Matty Barton.
Though it appears that Isaac will remain unharmed for now, fans are speculating that Tom’s actions could lead to a violent confrontation, with Cain Dingle or even Moira potentially seeking revenge if Tom hurts Isaac. Viewers are on edge, wondering if a major death twist could be on the horizon as tensions escalate in the village.