In the upcoming Emmerdale episodes, the Dingle family is set to face an emotional rollercoaster as they prepare for Zak Dingle’s funeral. Following the news of Zak’s death, Cain Dingle returns to the village, leaving Moira in shock, especially as she juggles personal concerns about an upcoming surgery. Upon Cain’s return from Scotland, where Zak had been living with Debbie, Moira breaks the heartbreaking news—Zak has passed away.
Cain is left with the heavy responsibility of informing each family member of Zak’s death. The loss comes as a shock, as Cain had only just returned from visiting his father. After sharing the news, Cain, Sam, and Belle spend time together, reflecting on their memories of Zak and the significant role he played in their lives. The family is shaken but united in grief.
On the day of the funeral, the village gathers on Main Street to bid farewell to Sam and Cain as they travel to Scotland to bring Zak home for his final resting place. However, the day takes an unexpected turn when a long-lost relative suddenly appears at the gravesite, leaving the Dingles completely stunned. The return of this familiar face adds another layer of drama to an already emotional week, raising questions about how this unexpected reunion will impact the grieving family.