ll Paradiso delle signore 9, anteprima: Scoppia la guerra/ Tancredi è spietato

Marta discovers who Lea Tancredi is and learns about the immoral actions that follow the arrival of Lea Graziani in Milan. Enrico Malta

will tell the story of this woman, but the details are still unknown.

The preview of the episode of Il Paradiso delle Signore, scheduled for Tuesday, January 14, shows Marta discovering the truth about Lea



Graziani, a woman deeply linked to Enrico’s past. During a meeting in Milan, it is revealed that Lea will return to Enrico’s life.

In the meantime, Tancredi, as unscrupulous as ever, is determined to carry out his plans for Galleria Milano Moda. He even proposes moving the production of cheaper collections to Yugoslavia.

After reuniting with Lea Graziani, Enrico must reveal her story to Marta Guarnieri. Marta will learn the details of Lea’s past, though at present, there are no further specifics. It remains unclear how this connects to Sokoban’s past in Il Paradiso delle Signore.

However, Lea’s return to Milan comes with a clear purpose—taking her daughter out of the boarding school to live with her in Venice.

Tancredi’s Schemes and Galleria Milano Moda

A preview of the January 14 episode reveals that Tancredi continues to assert influence within Galleria Milano Moda. As the new majority owner, he intends to make autonomous decisions, causing significant confusion among the team.

It has been revealed that Tancredi has also approved the move of cheap clothing production to Yugoslavia, creating conflicts with both Od dire and Umberto.

Financial Struggles and New Developments

Meanwhile, Ailin struggles with debts to the tax office and, unable to pay the fine, decides to seek help from her father.

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