Il Paradiso delle signore 9: Rivelando le condizioni alle quali Marcello ripaga il debito di Irene

The previews of Il Paradiso delle Signore for Wednesday, 29 January, promise twists and exciting moments with intertwining storylines involving several key characters.

Irene will put into action a plan to bring Alfredo and Clara closer together, but to make it happen, she will need the financial support of

Marcello. Furthermore, Mimmo and Agatha will have a special meeting with the famous singer Milva, while the truth about Adelaide’s health will emerge dramatically.



Don Saverio will desperately try to convince his niece Clara to rethink her decision to leave both Milan and her job. At that point, Irene will decide to intervene with an ingenious plan to resolve the situation and promote reconciliation between Alfredo and his girlfriend. Despite her efforts to realize her project, however, Irene will need funds and will turn to Marcello to obtain a loan.

Clara, the head saleswoman, will seem adamant in her intentions and feels a strong sense of guilt towards Alfredo, especially after the latter sold the ring intended for the marriage proposal to help her pay off a debt. Irene could then use the money received from Marcello to buy back the jewel, giving Alfredo the opportunity to propose a new declaration of love to Clara.

Parallel to Irene’s story, Mimmo Burgio will be alongside Agatha in her artistic growth as a painter. The help of her fellow countryman will allow the young Puglisi to have an unrepeatable opportunity to meet Milva directly in her recording studio, laying the foundations for a collaboration that promises moments of great creative inspiration.

At Villa Guarnieri, there will be great excitement in view of the sudden departure of the Countess Adelaide for London despite her precarious health conditions. Adelaide will continue to keep the secret, pretending to be well. Only Umberto will be aware of the truth, having been present during the medical visit.

This climate of tension will not take long to explode, however, because Umberto will put Adelaide under pressure, forcing her to confess everything to Marcello. The revelation will be devastating for Barbieri, who will not only discover his partner’s illness at the last minute but will also understand that Adelaide preferred to keep him in the dark. This lack of trust will risk further complicating their already delicate relationship.

In the previous episodes of the soap, Roberto was a guest at the club for a dinner organized by the Puglisi family. They wanted to thank him for his decisive contribution to Agatha’s success in the competition promoted by Mino della Salute. Thanks to the graphic projects of the Venus, a campaign dedicated to the polio vaccine was developed.


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