Lady Paradise 9, chi è Lea? stretto rapporto con Enrico, facendo entrare in crisi Marta

The episode of Il Paradiso delle Signore that aired on Rai on Monday, January 13th, introduced a new character, Lea Graziani. Lea, played

by Anna Godina, is a mysterious woman who arrives at Marta Guarnieri’s house. Her relationship with Enrico Brancaccio and her daughter Anita has not yet been made public.

Anna Godina’s debut in the show was met with intrigue. In the January 13th episode, Lea Graziani reappeared in Enrico Brancaccio’s life



after a long absence, arousing great curiosity among viewers. Little Anita knows Lea well, as she arrived with her at Marta Guarnieri’s house and trusted her completely. Enrico, however, was shocked to see Lea, and their relationship remains unclear.

The actress who plays Lea, Anna Godina, was born in Trieste in 1998. She dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. Following her debut, Anna Godina shared her excitement on social media. After episode 83 aired on January 13th, she posted a video of her character’s arrival at Marta Guarnieri’s house on her Instagram story with the caption:
“It seems a new person has arrived at the Ladies’ Paradise.”

Viewers and readers of the Rai Uno series have begun to speculate about Lea Graziani’s backstory. Some hypothesize that she could be Enrico Brancaccio’s sister-in-law and the sister of his late wife, though nothing has been confirmed. It is also unclear how long Lea Graziani will stay in Milan, whether for a brief visit or a longer period.

In a prior episode of Il Paradiso delle Signore, Enrico Brancaccio received a troubling phone call from a convent in Brescia. The call informed him that his daughter, Anita, had gone missing.

Enrico immediately set off in the shop van to find Anita. However, his searches did not yield the hoped-for results, and he returned to Marta’s house in Milan that evening, disheartened.

Unexpectedly, Anita appeared at Marta Guarnieri’s house. She explained to her father that she had run away from the boarding school because she wanted to see him. Anita rang the doorbell at Giovan Guarnieri’s house, and to Enrico’s surprise, Lea Graziani arrived alongside her. Enrico was stunned to see Lea, leaving viewers eager to learn more about her role in the story.

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