In upcoming Emmerdale episodes, tensions between Kim and Rose intensify as Kim begins to suspect she’s being set up in a plot involving her ex-husband, Will. After a failed attempt to poison Will, Rose manipulates the situation, causing Kim to be blamed when their daughter Dawn is harmed. Kim, however, is far from defeated and starts investigating, suspecting there is a larger scheme at play, orchestrated by Ruby. As Kim uncovers more evidence, her suspicions are confirmed, leading to a confrontation with Rose and Ruby.
At Home Farm, Rose has been eagerly plotting to make the estate her own, installing flashy decor to celebrate Kim’s absence. Meanwhile, Kim’s investigation into the source of the tranquilizers leads her to a confrontation with a dealer, though he refuses to reveal who hired him. Kim then turns her suspicions towards Caleb, but a cryptic conversation leads her astray.
Ruby, however, continues to push Rose to finish their plan by seducing Will. Feeling neglected by Kim, Will falls into Rose’s trap. The next morning, Will is filled with guilt, realizing he’s been manipulated, and regrets his actions. When Kim returns to Home Farm, she confronts Rose, making it clear she’s fully aware of what’s happened. Will, realizing he’s been duped, feels distraught as the web of lies unravels around him.
Elsewhere, tensions rise between Cain and Moira over Samson, and Ella faces a troubling situation regarding her pregnancy. As always, the drama in Emmerdale continues to escalate, with secrets, schemes, and betrayals leading the charge. Stay tuned for more shocking developments!