In the latest episode of Emmerdale, the fate of Tom King is revealed as the Dingle family rallies to support Belle following a harrowing confrontation. The cliffhanger episode aired on September 26, showcasing a chilling showdown between Belle and Tom. Under the pretense of discussing Tom’s abusive behavior, Belle meets his new girlfriend, Amelia Spencer, only to find herself trapped in Wishing Cottage with Tom. In a terrifying twist, Tom’s violent tendencies resurface as he menaces Belle with an axe. In a moment of desperation, Belle grabs the axe and plunges it into Tom’s back, leading to a shocking climax.
The following episode, which aired on September 27, shows a distraught Belle confessing to her family that she has killed Tom. Overwhelmed with emotion, she tells Lydia, Sam, and Vinnie, “I thought I was going to die,” emphasizing her belief that she had no choice. Vinnie goes to check on Tom and confirms that he is indeed lifeless on the floor. As the Dingles grapple with the shocking news, the family debates their next steps. Vinnie suggests they call the police and claim Belle acted in self-defense, but Lydia believes they should cover up the incident entirely. Taking charge, she instructs Belle to conceal her injuries from Tom’s attack, declaring that they should get rid of the body.
Later, Sam is horrified to discover that Tom is missing, leading to confusion about whether he is alive. Meanwhile, Liam finds Tom and calls an ambulance, only for the medical team to reveal that Tom has a collapsed lung and internal bleeding. Belle, upon hearing this news, rushes to the hospital, wrestling with her guilt and fear. She expresses her anguish to Sam and Vinnie, wondering how she can cope with the implications of her actions if Tom survives or dies.