In the world of Emmerdale, Kim Tate has always been known as the calculating and powerful queen of Home Farm, but her composure is shattered when she discovers that her prized horse, Apollo, has been stolen. The stable door hangs open, with a few strands of Apollo’s mane caught in the latch—clear signs that this was no accident. Panic rises within Kim, a feeling she’s not accustomed to. Her mind immediately races to the possible culprits, knowing that many people have reasons to hurt her, but stealing her horse? That was personal—a direct strike at her pride and reputation.
Determined to find Apollo, Kim storms back to the house, where she informs her fiancé, Will, of the theft. Will, visibly shaken, suggests calling the police, but Kim swiftly shuts him down. She knows whoever took Apollo wants to see her weak and desperate. In typical Kim Tate fashion, she vows not to give them the satisfaction. Instead, she plans to handle the situation herself, starting with questioning everyone on the estate, confident that someone must have seen something.
As the night deepens, Home Farm is gripped with tension, and Kim’s thoughts swirl with suspicions. This isn’t just about power or control; this is about something she deeply cherishes. Kim’s determination grows stronger by the minute—she will find Apollo, and when she does, there will be no mercy for those responsible. A fierce hunt is underway, and Kim Tate is a woman who never loses. Those who crossed her will soon realize the full force of her wrath.