In a shocking turn of events on Emmerdale, Tom King’s latest scheme left viewers stunned as his next victim is revealed. Tuesday’s episode confirmed that Tom has been secretly seeing Amelia Spencer, all while continuing his mental and emotional abuse of his estranged wife, Belle Dingle. For months, Tom has tormented Belle, even letting her believe that her dog, Piper, was dead. Despite knowing she’s being manipulated, Belle has struggled to find support from her family, friends, and the police.
The tension escalated when Tom threatened to release personal photos stolen from Belle’s laptop, prompting Belle to take drastic action. Seeking help from Ryan Stocks under the guise of aiding a friend, Belle came up with a bold plan to erase the incriminating data from Tom’s devices. She managed to sneak into Nicola King’s cottage, where Tom had been staying, and steal his tablet, but her efforts were short-lived. Tom quickly realized what had happened and reclaimed the tablet, leaving Belle in a race to outwit him.
Later, in a public confrontation at The Woolpack, Belle accused Tom of breaking into her home, but her claims were dismissed when Amelia provided him with an alibi. She confirmed that she and Tom had been secretly seeing each other for some time, leaving Belle devastated. When Belle warned Tom to stay away from Amelia, he coldly replied that he would continue the relationship as long as Amelia remained useful. Tom then threatened Belle, vowing to make her seem crazy if she didn’t back down. As tensions continue to rise, Belle finds herself in a dangerous game with Tom, who is more ruthless than ever.