In recent Emmerdale episodes, Tom King has set his sights on a new victim, Amelia Spencer, as his manipulation continues to spiral. After disappearing when his abusive actions toward his wife Belle were exposed, Tom reappeared and began a relationship with Amelia, hoping to provoke jealousy in Belle. Tragically, Amelia has failed to recognize Tom’s true nature and still believes him to be the victim.
Belle, however, is no longer fooled. After discovering her home had been trashed and a hidden camera placed inside, she realized that Tom had been spying on her from nearby. In a courageous move, Belle informed Cain and Chas that she would be reporting Tom to the police, no longer afraid of the potential repercussions.
Meanwhile, Amelia overheard a conversation about Belle’s father, Zach, and mistakenly assumed they were talking about Tom. Panicked, she packed her belongings and moved into Victoria Cottage with Carrie Wyatt and Amy Barton, who are both concerned for her well-being and suspicious of Tom’s motives. Amy sought Belle’s advice and decided to speak to the authorities about the situation.
Later, Amelia confronted Tom in the woods, asking if they could make their relationship public and if she could move in with him. Tom reacted angrily, leaving Amelia in tears. When Amy informed her of Belle’s warnings and the police involvement, Amelia rushed to alert Tom, who immediately dropped his aggressive attitude and professed his love for her. With tensions rising, Amelia finds herself in serious danger, leaving viewers wondering what Tom’s next move will be and if Belle’s bravery will finally bring him to justice.