Il Paradiso delle signore 9, Concetta e Maria annuncia una triste notizia

In the next episode of Il Paradiso delle Signore 9 on 5 February, Ciro Puglisi will find himself having to confront his wife Concetta after

realizing that she is hiding something from him regarding their daughter, Agatha. The head of the Puglisi family will no longer be able to

ignore his suspicions and will demand immediate clarifications to understand what is really happening.



Meanwhile, Rosa, after accepting a job offer from Tancredi, will arouse concerns and perplexities in Marcello and Roberto, both doubtful about the direction taken by the young woman.

Enrico, on the other hand, will experience a particularly delicate moment, tormented by the absence of his daughter Anita, whose distance continues to weigh heavily on him.

Concetta, aware of what happened, keeps the meeting between her daughter Agatha and Roberto Landi a secret. The woman promises Agatha that she will not tell Ciro anything, in an attempt to avoid further conflicts in the family. However, the situation becomes complicated when Agatha argues with Mimmo about the clandestine meeting with Landi.

Ciro will witness the argument between Agatha and Mimmo and will begin to understand that something is not right. The young man had, in fact, discovered them together, sparking tensions. Struck by his daughter’s suspicious behavior, Ciro will return home determined to confront Concetta and force her to tell the truth.

In the face of her husband’s insistence, Concetta will give in and reveal the secret about the meeting that took place between Agatha and Landi.

Enrico Misses Anita
The previews of the episode on 5 February 2025 also reveal that Irene will continue the selections to find a replacement for Clara in the Milanese department store. In the meantime, Enrico will be increasingly overwhelmed by nostalgia for his daughter Anita.

The search will, however, prove more difficult than expected. The warehouse worker will confide in Marta about the pain he feels being away from his child and will reveal how difficult it is for him to live peacefully without having her close by.

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