In Paradise 9, anteprima: Clara ha appena rotto con Alfredo/ama apertamente Tancredi

Armando Ferraris is leaving Milan to visit a sick friend, according to the previews of the episodes of Il Paradiso delle Signore that will be

broadcast from 13 to 17 January 2025. During this time, Armando will disappear from the stage. After learning that his best friend is ill and needs his help, Armando decides to leave.

In the meantime, Enrico must meet Lea, an old acquaintance of his who will return to play an important role in his life. Lea wants to place little Anita in foster care and remove her from the boarding school she attends in Brescia.



Previews of Il Paradiso delle Signore from 13 to 17 January also focus on Clara. She continues to search for a solution to her debt with the tax office and plans to ask her father for help. Unfortunately, her father claims he doesn’t have much money. As a result, the director asks Alfredo for help.

Meanwhile, Armando leaves Milan without giving many explanations to his colleagues. Matteo Portelli will reveal what happened: the warehouse manager had to leave his job to be with a friend going through a dramatic phase in life.

The actor who plays Armando, Pietro Genuardi, has announced his departure from the cast. This is due to health reasons. A few weeks ago, Pietro shared on his social channels that viewers would not see him in the role of Armando Ferrari for some time, as he had to undergo treatment for a blood disease. His post quickly caught the attention of fans, many of whom left affectionate and positive messages of support.

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