ll Paradiso delle signore 9, anticipazioni: Clara ha salutato ufficialmente Alfredo

The previews of the episodes of Il Paradiso delle Signore from 27 to 31 January 2025 reveal crucial moments for the protagonists. Alfredo

will finally be able to buy the engagement ring for Clara thanks to the financial help offered by Irene, while Marcello will discover that

Adelaide has hidden the seriousness of her health conditions from him.



The love story between Alfredo and Clara will face a major setback. Clara, disappointed by her boyfriend’s lies about the secret agreement he made with Irene to resolve his tax problems, will make the drastic decision to leave Milan and end their relationship.

Alfredo will try everything to change her mind, but without success. At this point, Irene will step in and play a pivotal role in the story. As the head saleswoman of Paradiso, Irene will ask Marcello for a loan, then transfer the money to Alfredo. With this money, Alfredo will buy a ring and attempt to win back Clara by making their engagement official and hoping to earn her forgiveness.

Meanwhile, Marcello will experience significant emotional turmoil. He will discover that Adelaide has kept him in the dark about her precarious health condition. The Countess, in need of urgent care in London, will choose not to confide in Marcello, instead turning to her ex-partner Umberto.

It will be Umberto who reveals to Marcello and Adelaide’s family the true reason for her imminent departure. The discovery of this deception will deeply wound Marcello, sending him into a crisis. Feeling betrayed by the woman he loves, Marcello will refuse to meet Adelaide before her trip, leaving their relationship in limbo.


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