ll Paradiso delle signore 9: Il segreto tra Umberto e Concetta

Irene will succeed in getting Rita hired at the Ladies’ Paradise, unaware that the girl keeps a burning secret linked to a mysterious past. The

plot of the episode of Friday, February 7, 2025, reveals that Rita will officially join the Milanese department store as the new Venus.

Irene, impressed by Rita’s qualities, will convince her to accept a position in the prestigious Paradiso team. However, neither she nor the



other members of the staff are aware of the important secret that Rita is hiding. For the moment, further details on this mystery remain unknown.

Meanwhile, Elvira’s father finds himself in a difficult situation with his wife, who will accuse him of cheating on her with his secretary. In despair, Andrea Gallo will decide to turn to Salvatore Amato to ask for his help in finding a solution to save his marriage.

Previews for February 7 reveal that Irene will be impressed by Rita’s abilities and charisma. Rita was initially hired as a sales assistant at the Galleria Milano Moda. However, Irene, the head sales assistant, will manage to convince her to join the Ladies’ Paradise team, offering her a position as the new Venus alongside the other girls and entrusting her with the role previously held by Clara Boscolo.

Despite her enthusiasm for the new opportunity, Rita will choose not to reveal anything about her dark past to Irene, Cipriani, or her other colleagues. It remains to be seen what secret Rita continues to jealously protect in her new work environment. For now, the previews do not provide further information on this matter.

In addition to Rita’s storyline, the previews for February 7 highlight tensions in Andrea Gallo’s marriage. Andrea will be accused by his wife of infidelity, as she suspects an affair with his secretary. This accusation will create a climate of strong family conflict.

Meanwhile, Rosa’s first article, published in the newspaper directed by Tancredi, will be a huge success. This achievement will surprise Sant’Erasmo and even impress Umberto Guarnieri, placing Rosa in an even brighter spotlight in the editorial world.

Looking back at Andrea Gallo’s past, it will be remembered that he had previously tried in every way to hinder the relationship between his daughter Ilva and Salvatore Amato. He disapproved of the relationship primarily because of Salvatore’s southern origins. His attempts to break off the engagement ultimately failed due to the strong bond between the two young people and an unexpected pregnancy.

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