In Emmerdale, Luke Mallister’s character, portrayed by Noah Huntley, left a lasting impression on fans in the early 90s. Huntley’s role as the heartthrob Luke first debuted in 1993, where his character’s tumultuous relationships and dramatic feud with the Dingles captivated viewers. After a jilted wedding and a revenge plot gone wrong, Luke’s story tragically ended in a fatal crash, marking Huntley’s exit from the beloved soap just two years later.
Fast forward 27 years, and the once youthful soap star has undergone a remarkable transformation. Now 47, Noah Huntley has since found success in Hollywood, appearing in prominent films such as The Chronicles of Narnia and Snow White and the Huntsman. Sporting a more mature look with a neatly trimmed beard and shorter hair, the actor has secured lead roles alongside stars like Cillian Murphy and Naomi Harris in 28 Days Later, and his portrayal of Captain Petru in Dracula Untold continued to elevate his career.
In addition to acting, Noah has also made a name for himself in the fashion world, modeling for top brands like Paul Smith and L’Oreal Men. His striking appearance has graced the covers of renowned magazines such as Vogue and Esquire, further solidifying his status as both an actor and model. Despite his global adventures and successful career, Noah remains single, often sharing glimpses of his bachelor lifestyle on Instagram.
However, Noah isn’t the only former Emmerdale star to stun fans with a major transformation. Ryan Hawley, who played Robert Sugden, also surprised viewers with his new look after leaving the soap in 2019, appearing nearly unrecognizable in a 2021 episode of Silent Witness.