Lady Gaga was the gift that kept on giving on “The Late Late Show” Tuesday night. Not only did she slay with an epic installment of Carpool Karaoke, she also teed up another top moment on the show — the one where Matt LeBlanc answered the ultimate “Friends” question.
After stuttering few “ums” and “ahs,” LeBlanc came up with a response worthy of Joey.
“I would have me some Phoebe,” he said with a nod. Then he threw in a line all Phoebe fans know well — “She’s very bendy.”
Gaga approved, telling him, “That is correct!”
The fact is LeBlanc and co-star Lisa Kudrow officially rooted for a Joey-Phoebe romance — or at least a fun fling — during show’s run.
“Towards the end we actually pitched the idea that Joey and Phoebe had been having casual sex the entire time,” LeBlanc explained in an interview with People magazine last year. “We’d go back and shoot all the historical scenes and just before a moment that everyone recognizes, there’s Joey and Phoebe coming out of a broom closet together. But (the powers that be) were like, ‘Nah.’”