In this week’s episodes of Emmerdale, Caleb Milligan stumbles upon a startling truth involving his sister-in-law Moira Dingle and her nephew Nate Robinson. The tension between the Milligans and the Dingles escalates after Moira physically confronts Ruby, accusing her of flirting with Cain. Moira’s erratic behavior lately is linked to a recent seizure on the farm, a fact her family is unaware of.
In the September 6th episode, Caleb confronts Moira at the garage, demanding an apology for Ruby. Nate defends Moira, telling Caleb to mind his own business. Later, Caleb discusses the altercation with his family at Mill Cottage, hinting that he plans to speak with Cain directly.
Nate then confides in Moira about his feelings for his estranged wife, Tracy Robinson. Moira urges him to try and reconcile with Tracy, suggesting that he should leave work early to address things. However, as Moira attempts to kiss Nate, he rejects her, making it clear he is not interested before leaving abruptly. Unbeknownst to them, Caleb witnesses the entire uncomfortable exchange.
Moira, devastated, follows Nate to explain herself, only to be met with his decision to leave the farm and seek help. Nate’s outburst leaves Moira in tears as she questions the turmoil at Mill Cottage. Ruby, thrilled by the news of Moira’s apparent infidelity, persuades her husband to inform Cain, although Caleb is hesitant. Meanwhile, Nate seeks to rekindle his relationship with Tracy at Tug Gill, ultimately persuading her to reignite their romance, leading to an intimate moment between them.