In Emmerdale, Belle Dingle finds herself increasingly isolated due to Tom King’s manipulative control. Although they are no longer living together, Tom continues to gaslight and control Belle using underhanded tactics. Recently, Belle took a bold step by applying under Claire’s Law, which allows victims of domestic abuse to access their partner’s criminal history. However, when Belle received an email indicating there was no reason to disclose Tom’s past, she was disheartened, unaware that Tom had already hacked her laptop, gaining access to her private information.
Later, Belle confronted Tom at a local store, where he hinted at knowing about the investigation. When Belle accused him of spying on her devices, Tom employed his old gaslighting methods, accusing her of paranoia and dismissing her concerns as delusions. He also reminded her of intimate photos he had taken and subtly threatened to expose them if she pushed him further.
Despite confiding in Patty, who downplayed her fears and suggested Tom was simply nervous, Belle’s anxiety continues to grow. Fans of the show are rooting for Belle to take action, urging her to secretly record Tom’s abusive behavior and expose him. Tension is building, and viewers speculate that Belle may soon confide in Charity, marking the beginning of Tom’s downfall. With fans on edge, it remains to be seen if Belle can escape Tom’s grasp and reclaim her life.