The cast of Blue Bloods isn’t just a family on TV, they’ve grown into a tight-knit group since the show first premiered in 2010. The CBS drama follows the lives of the Reagan family, led by Tom Selleck’s Commissioner Frank Reagan. Frank’s father, Henry Reagan (Len Cariou), sits across from him at the group’s weekly Sunday dinner. The rest of the table is filled with Frank’s kids, daughter Erin Reagan (Bridget Moynahan), and sons Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) and Jamie Reagan (Will Estes).
But the lived-in feel extends to the rest of the cast — and doesn’t stop when the cameras aren’t rolling.
Related: Check Out the ‘Blue Bloods’ Cast from Season 1 to Now Blue Bloods premiered on CBS in September 2010, introducing the world to the Reagan family of cops—and after season 14, fans will have to say goodbye. Len Cariou leads the family as retired New York City police chief Henry Reagan; his son, Frank (Tom Selleck), takes on the current PC; Frank’s son Danny (Donnie […] “Comrade Appreciation Day!” Vanessa Ray, who plays Jamie’s wife Eddie Janko, wrote via Instagram in December 2021. She then praised Wahlberg for sharing “new music and giving me the gospel to stay,” and thanked Marisa Ramirez, who plays Maria Baez, for sharing her “heart” and being her “best friend” and “listener.” Scroll down to see how the